Why You Shouldn’t Feel Bad About Needing to Repent

Wax. Let’s talk about it. I have worn hearing aids for 8 years now. I have to have them to hear- without them I’m basically deaf. They have a little tiny white filter (picture a tiny round strainer) that fits in a hole on the ear mold ( the part that goes into my ear and rests by my eardrum)- where the sound travels into my ear. This prevents wax from getting into my hearing aids. Even if I clean my ears every day before I put in my hearing aids, naturally over time, wax gets in there. It is just a normal thing my body does. It’s amazing how the smallest bit of wax covering those filter holes will make it seem like my hearing aid is not on. No sound comes into my ear at all and my ability to listen and communicate effectively is impaired severely. Someone could be talking to me and I wouldn’t know it or believe it because my filter was blocked. About every week I have to replace my filter with a new one. But I never feel bad about having to replace it. I don’t feel shame for producing wax. I know it is just something that I need to take care of.

Repentance is very similar. It is a natural part of the human condition. Making mistakes is normal for a human being. God sent us to earth to learn by trying, failing and trying again. If we do something wrong, do we need to fix it? Of course! Because just like the wax in my filter, sins will block us from hearing the whisperings and guidance of the Holy Spirit. We may think that God isn’t answering our prayers or guiding us, but really our spiritual ears are clogged up with choices we need to repent of. God established a weekly cleanse for us when he implemented the Sacrament. We take this weekly so that we can maintain clear communication with Him- like changing our spiritual filter so we can Hear Him. He expects us to make mistakes and that is why Heavenly Father sent us Jesus Christ in the first place! When we make mistakes, repent and strive to change, we are following God’s plan! You aren’t the odd ball out. You are just receiving the gift of the Atonement of Jesus Christ that God made available for everyone. And you don’t need to feel bad about using the gift. That is why it is there.

*Also, let’s just talk about how it wouldn’t really make sense for me to clog up my ears with wax on purpose. It doesn’t serve me at all. We shouldn’t do that spiritually either. We always strive to do good. We never intentionally sin with the mindset to repent later.

I am so grateful for God’s gift of repentance. It is a miracle we get to relive over and over as we use it to cleanse and prepare us for a happier life here on earth and in the eternities. I hope this analogy helps you love yourself a little better, and feel a little safer on this journey of evolving spiritually.

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