Last Day of 2015

I can’t even believe that today is the last day of 2015!! That blows my mind! I’ve been on an incredible journey this past year. I gave birth unmedicated nearly one year ago to my beautiful chubby red headed smiley baby. And now she is close to walking! As a family, we have traversed this new terrain of being a family of 4. I lost 25 pounds through Beachbody workouts, became a Beachbody Coach and have built more muscle and become smaller than I have ever been before. My husband finished his college degree and we have been working together to heal ourselves and our family from the strain that school has placed on us for the last 7 years. I have experienced some of my lowest moments this year. When hope was so very dim. But I also have been so very incredibly blessed. And recently been filled with so much light and knowledge regarding my trials. I am filled with incredible gratitude for the life that I have. TWO beautiful spirits that I get to care for daily? My husband who is my best friend, who loves me from his core and forgives me consistently? The thought of what gifts they all are overwhelms me

I have been thinking a lot about this next year and what 2016 will bring to me and what I want to take out of it. I am embarking on a very spiritual journey this next year. All my goals are not something that I can just check off the list as DONE for the day. They are an inner healing process. For example:

Nutrition: Stop emotionally eating

Parenting: Respond consciously (not zoned out “uh huhs”)

Fitness: Close my Diastasis Recti

In order to do these things, I have to be consciously aware of my emotions, my thoughts, and my body. I have to be in tune with myself; trusting, staying connected, becoming continually more confident in reading myself.

I will be doing a lot of meditating to help me heal my subconscious thoughts. And I am so excited about it! Meditating is amazing and healing. I did some meditation before bed last night, listening to peaceful music and allowing my thoughts to flow. I repeated affirmations in my head of who I want to be, how I want to be. It was a beautiful experience. I have done affirmations before, but with this music and doing it all by candlelight was very moving for me. And surprisingly I woke up at 5:30 alert and calm, with a clear mind (which never happens). I strongly feel that I owe that to meditating and clearing my mind before bed.

Overall I am just feeling happy and inspired. And I am excited to share more about what I learn this next year!



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